2020 had a major impact on many things, including how we meet. If you’ve had to lead meetings over the last 12 months, it might have been all you could do to just throw a meeting together and hope it worked out. Between fighting your own burnout and the zoom fatigue of others, you likely ended up with a year of mixed results. A year later, we have the opportunity to refresh our approach and level-up our meetings.
Whether 2021 has you facilitating meetings that are in-person, virtual, or a mixture of both, my 3-part virtual workshop will help you design spaces that are both productive *and* rejuvenating.
WHAT TO EXPECT: This 3-part workshop will cover key tools & practices to make your meetings more productive, energizing, and people-centered. Participants will get a chance to address their biggest facilitation challenges, build out a plan for their next meeting, and practice their new skills.
Participants will receive materials to help them design more successful meetings.
Part 1 | Setting your mtgs up for success
Tools for designing a better agenda & more!
Part 2 | Creating people-centered spaces
Tools for building energy, engaging different personalities & more!
Part 3 | Putting it into practice
Fine tune your plan for your next meeting, practice and get feedback
*Bonus: my #1 tool for virtual meetings!
This workshop is designed for anyone who leads or desires to lead meetings, including people who:
May not call themselves a “facilitator”, but find themselves facilitating meetings on a regular basis
Have meeting facilitation as a part of their job description or volunteer role, but don’t feel fully equipped
Facilitate meetings regularly & want to refresh their skills
Find their meetings falling flat or feeling stale
Struggle to plan meetings that feel productive and/or engaging
Want to add new tools to their facilitator toolbelt
Want to make their meetings more people-centered
Are looking for help planning an upcoming meeting